Mula Bandha: Practice of contracting the pelvic floor up. Image Source: Shutterstock
Human growth and development is completely based on their hormonal growth. Among all hormones, sexual hormones play a very vicious role in one’s life. Imbalancement in these hormones leads to a psychic disorder. Some specific yoga practices such as Mula Bandha is the best technique to regulate sexual hormones with ease.
The practice of Mula bandha regulates:
- Insulin hormone – helps to store glucose in the body
- Estrogen – female sex hormones
- Testosterone – male sex hormones
- Thyroxine – helps in metabolic activities
- Serotonin – a mood-boosting hormone
Imbalancement in these hormones leads to psychological as well as a physiological disturbance.
Interpretation of Mula Bandha
The Mula Bandha is located between the pelvic floor muscles and sphincter muscles in the Pelvic region. Moola or Mula is directly related to the Muladhara chakra. It refers to the base of the torso or base region of the spine. In Mool bandha, the pelvic floor is contracted and lifted towards the spine.
In Sanskrit, Moola (or Mula) means root, origin or basic foundation and Bandha means Lock. Because this bandha is related to Muladhara chakra, it’s also known as ‘root lock’ or ‘Perineal Lock’.
Practicing the Moola Bandha triggers the spine and contracts the muscles at the physical level. On practicing it regularly, there comes a contraction in cervix muscle in female and perineal body in males. Cervix and perineal body help us to know or to locate the psychic center of the Muladhara chakra.
Moola Bandha is not only meant for the contraction of the cervix or perineal bodies. The main aim of this bandha is to lock the Muladhara Chakra. Muladhara Chakra is the initial Chakra that helps in Kundalini awakening. Hence by locking this chakra means locking the energy that is exerted by the Muladhara Chakra so that it helps in Kundalini awakening.
Mula Bandha can be done at various levels. Physical as well as psychic levels.
The Importance of Moola Bandha
Moola Bandha is an important yogic activity we can also call it as energy lock. This Bandha helps to control the impulsive actions of the lower pelvic hormones, hence it stimulates all the internal organs. It helps to cure diseases related to the lower abdomen such as digestive problems and sexual disorders.
Our body is having an interconnection with our mind. Hence Moola Bandha creates a deep sense of mental relaxation. Moola Bandha is very beneficial for the patients of depression, neurosis, some phobias, mania, and hysteria.
This Bandha is very effective in Mania [efn_note] Mania https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mania [/efn_note] and depression. It helps to provide harmony to the sexual hormone, organs, and mind. Moola bandha has a powerful Pranic effect over the psychology of a human.
Hence it also helps in awakening Brahma Granthi( psychic Knot at Mooladhara Chakra), allows the prana to flow through Sushumna Nadi.
How to Practice Mula Bandha
To perform Moola Bandha, you need to bring your awareness to the perineum region and lift it upwards and release with respect to breaths. perineum [efn_note] Perineum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perineum [/efn_note] is located between genital organs and anus.
The following steps elaborating how you can practice Moola Bandha:
- Firstly, sit in a yoga asana. The best and most preferred asana is Siddhasana because in this asana you can press the heel against the pelvic region or the Mooldhara region.
You can still do it in Vajrasana, Sukhasana, Guptasana or Girkhasana. The first thing you have to do is to get comfortable with the yoga asana you are sitting in.
- Now take a couple of deep breaths, to relax. When you are relaxed, go for the next step.
Stage 1
- Contract your perineal/vaginal region towards the spine with inhalation, and release it with exhalation.
- Meanwhile, lift the entire pelvic floor up and release.
- Do it slowly and smoothly. Repeat it as long as you can.
Stage 2
- In this stage, you have to focus on your perineum muscles and separate them from the rest of the muscles in the pelvic region.
- Now, contract only perineum muscles slowly and hold them for a few seconds and then release them slowly. This is the Mooldhara Region.
- Breathe naturally, you can perform it as long as you desire.
Remember, in this stage, you have to contract just perineum region, instead of the whole perineum region.
Stage 3
- This is the final stage of Moola Bandha. In this stage, inhale deeply and hold the breath. Meanwhile, contract the perineal muscles slowly and hold it tightly for a while.
- Hold this contraction as long as you can hold the breath comfortably and release the contraction with your breath.
- Then take a couple of normal breaths and relax.
- Now, repeat this process as much as you can.
The main thing is the contraction of your perineum muscles. The contraction might feel like the condition when you have to pee very bad, but you are holding it. In conditions like holding urine or forcing yourself to urinate, you use these muscles.
In the beginning, you can try this for a while, but after some practice, you can increase the time gradually.
The Anatomical and Physiological Aspects of Mula Bandha
As there is an anatomical difference between the sex of males and female hence their methods are also different.
If a male is practicing the moola bandha then he needs to place the heel against the perineum, behind the Scrotum and in front of the anus. One thing is common in females i.e, place your heel At perineum, pressed against the outer vagina.
Although males and females have different sexual formation the basic muscle structure of the lower Pelvic is the same for both males and females. The vagina occupies approximately the same area as the root of the penis. The hormonal and neurological connections are the same for both the sexes.
Many of the Yogis added variation with other yoga practices. Those variations are not only attractive to see but all those variations have adverse effects over the body as well. Same as Moola bandha has its benefits but if this will collab with asanas or Pranayamas then it will give enormous effects. Here are some variations of Moola Bandha.
Moola Bandha With Pranayama
When Moola Bandha performed with the Pranayama then it gives maximum benefits. As pranayama regulates the flow of prana inside the subtle bodies whereas Bandha directs the prana to the right path. Bandha helps to retain the pranic energy without any wastage.
When Moola Bandha collabs with Pranayama during inhalation, the Apana Vayu moves upward and Prana moves downward during exhalation. At the time of the collision of Apana Vayu and Prana retention of breath occurs impatiently.
One can perform this bandha with Nadi Shodhana. This variation develops the inhalation (upward movement of Apana Vayu), exhalation (downward movement of Prana), Retention (collision of Prana and Apana Vayu). This development of breath leads to the conscious flow of Prana inside the subtle body.
One can enjoy the bliss created by the collision of the Apana Vayu and Prana while practicing it with Nadi Shodhana. If one will become the master of this practice then it will become very easy to activate their Mooldhara Chakra (The Root Chakra).
Benefits of Moola Bandha
Moola Bandha comes with many benefits at spiritual as well as physical state. Here are some benefits of Mool Bandha
- Stimulates the Nervous System
The perineum is the place from where our nervous system starts. It is a junction of all the nerves. In Moola Bandha, the perineum is contracted and stimulates the nervous system for a better function. This stimulation calms our mind that increases our emotional and psychological strengths. We get relief from phobias and negative emotions. It also improves concentration power.
- Helps in Kundalini Awakening
The Muladhara Chakra is located in the Perineum region. Moola Bandha activates the flow of Prana and Apana Vayu in this region. Thus it helps in the stimulation of Muladhara/Root Chakra.
The kundalini energy lies in the first chakra (Muladhara Chakra). As Moola Bandha stimulates the Muladhara Chakra, it stimulates the energy of this chakra, the kundalini energy too.
Along with this, three main nadis (Ida, Pingala, and Shushmna) starts from the Perineum Region and then goes through all the chakras. Nadis carries the kundalini energy and flows it through all the chakras. Moola Bandha helps to stimulate these nadis and helps in kundalini awakening.
- Helps to Cleanse the Body
Moola Bandha stimulates the flow of Apana Vayu in the body. Basically Apana Vayu is mostly active in the pelvic and lower abdomen region and directs the elimination process (excretion, urination, and mensuration). Thus, it helps in cleaning the body.
Some Other Health Benefits
Moola Bandha strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor. It protects the muscles of the lower back, gives support to the spine, and makes asana much comfortable.
Moola bandha also has a good effect on the sexual health of both men and women. It prevents premature ejaculation and other sexual disorders. It has a soothing effect on the pain and disorders in mensuration cycles in women.
Mool Bandha provides harmony to sexual organs and hormones that help to get relief from a wide range of mental stresses.
Research [efn_note] Effect of Mula Bandha Yoga in Mild Grade Pelvic Organ Prolapse https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5934946/ [/efn_note] says the practice of Moola Bandha has a surprising effect on Mild Grade Pelvic Organ Prolapse in women.
Please add pelvic and cervix areas , representation. And also add spiritual benefits
very useful information for a healthy and blissful life on earth