- Meaning
- Signs of Imbalance Throat Chakra
- Signs of Balance Throat Chakra
- Location and Symbol
- Balance Throat Chakra

With the art of expression, you can share words, feelings, emotions and creativity with others and make the world a more beautiful place, can’t you?
The throat in our body is the source of expression and influences communication, hearing and sight. In the subtle body, we can understand the energy associated with the throat in the form of the throat chakra
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) Meaning: What Is It?
In the series of 7 major chakras in our body, the throat chakra holds the title of the fifth chakra when counting in ascending order from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.
The throat chakra is the home of creativity with sound, as it is located at the base of the subtle body’s throat. Its purpose is to express truth emanating from the soul and to serve as the center of communication, speech, and the regulation of hearing and listening
In Sanskrit, it’s referred to as Vishuddha, which literally means “Purest.” Indeed, Vishuddha is associated with something that is purified on both a physical and mental level.
Other names of the throat chakra include Kantha, Kantha-desha, Kantha-padma, Kantha-pankaja, shodasha, and kanthambhoja, etc.
The element associated with this chakra is ether/akasha, which acts as a transmitting pathway to the vibrations of mantras.
The energy that emanates from this chakra is the source of the voice in the body and acts as a pressure valve, allowing the energy to transfer from one chakra to the next one.

Signs of an Imbalanced Throat Chakra
An imbalanced throat chakra can manifest in various ways, both physically and spiritually. Here are the signs that indicate an imbalance in the throat chakra:
Physical Symptoms:
- Sore Throat: Persistent or recurrent sore throat without apparent physical cause.
- Tight Jaw: Tension and tightness in the jaw, leading to discomfort and restricted movement.
- Stiff Neck: Stiffness and discomfort in the neck area.
- Frequent Headaches: Headaches that occur frequently and may be related to tension in the throat and neck.
Spiritual and Emotional Signs:
- Habitual Lying: Engaging in a pattern of dishonesty or avoidance of truth.
- Fear and Doubt: Overwhelming feelings of fear and doubt, particularly in expressing oneself authentically.
- Stammering or Loss for Words: Difficulty articulating thoughts, leading to stammering or being at a loss for words.
- Feelings of Isolation: Sensation of being isolated and misunderstood in communication.
- Manipulative Behavior: Resorting to manipulative tactics rather than open and honest communication.
Communication Challenges:
- Fear of Speaking: A heightened fear of speaking in public or expressing oneself.
- Difficulty Expressing Feelings: Challenges in expressing emotions and feelings verbally.
- Shyness and Withdrawal: Becoming shy, quiet, and withdrawn in social situations.
- Disconnected from Desires: Feeling out of touch with personal desires and aspirations.
- Lack of Trust in Intuition: Inability to trust intuitive powers and inner guidance.
Physical Imbalances:
- Cold Symptoms: Recurrent cold-like symptoms, possibly linked to suppressed expression.
- Tickle or Phlegm in the Throat: Sensation of a tickle or excess phlegm in the throat.
- Coughing: Persistent or unexplained coughing.
- Stress: Heightened stress levels, especially related to communication.
- Hyperactivity: Restlessness and hyperactivity.
- Allergies: Increased susceptibility to allergies.
- Signs of a Goiter: Swelling or enlargement of the thyroid gland in the neck.
- Stuffy, Runny Nose: Persistent nasal symptoms.
- Fatigue: Unexplained fatigue and lack of energy.
Sign of Balanced Throat Chakra
When the Throat chakra is in a balanced stage, one can express thoughts and desires in a connective relationship with the heart chakra and the mind.
The energy radiated from the balanced Vishuddha chakra springs upward from the sacral chakra through the solar plexus and continues its path, enabling the free expression of values and needs within the energy.
During this balanced state, individuals:
- Openly express feelings and thoughts.
- Live in a creative way.
- Possess a good sense of timing and communication skills.
- Engage in imaginative and imperative speech.
- Trust their inner guidance, viz., their inner selves.
- Openly share knowledge.
Therefore, when your voice is rhythmic and resonant, clear with precise expression, it symbolizes your balanced stage of the fifth chakra, defining your ability to make decisions and, consequently, to follow your dreams.
Throat Chakra : Location, Sybmbol & Mantra
1. Location: Throat Chakra

Anatomical Location: Located at the center of the neck at the level of the throat above the collarbone
This chakra acts as the passage of the energy between the lower parts of the body and the head, and is mainly driven by the principle of expression and communication.
Corresponding to the laryngeal nerve, this chakra is associated with both hearing and listening & is the purification point of the body and the center of wisdom, willpower, truth.
The Throat chakra is associated with the pharyngeal and brachial plexus and is connected to the body organs mouth, jaws, tongue, pharynx, and palate. It’s is also linked to the shoulders and the neck.
Glands Associated: Thyroid, which regulates the processing of energy in the body through temperature, growth, and in large parts, metabolism.
2. Color Coding of Throat Chakra:

Color: Blue or turquoise
In our color spectrum, Blue is the first of the three primary colors, connecting us with the Divine and it is also the color associated with Heaven.
Blue energy is pure, soothing, healing & is also at the cooler end of the spectrum, allowing us to take time to be still.
On physical anatomical level blue relates to the throat, esophagus, thyroid gland, neck, cervical spine, mouth, teeth, and jaw.
3. Symbol of Awakening:

- Number of Petals in Throat Chakra Symbol: 16 (Sixteen)
- The lotus flower symbolizes the development of human consciousness. This chakra has 16 petals, each linked with one of the Sanskrit vowels and a mantra.
- White Circle/Silver Crescent: The central chakra region is white, transparent, sky-blue, symbolizing the cosmic sound (nadam), representing purity. It signifies the full moon, pointing towards psychic powers.
- Downward-Pointing Triangle: Represents the akasamandala. The downward-pointing triangle of the throat chakra symbolizes spiritual growth and is affiliated with the gathering of information, while the wide upward sides represent knowledge leading to Enlightenment.
- White Elephant: Airavata (elephant) is the animal gesture of the throat chakra. Airavata carries the sound mantra, and according to Hindu mythology, it is associated with Indra, the god of thunder. The white elephant is symbolic of strength, prosperity, and luck.
4. The Energy Frequency and Seed Mantra:

- Frequency: 384 Hz, with the seed mantra “HAM.”
- HAM unblocks the Throat Chakra, defining your physical and spiritual voice.
Ham is the mantra to unblock the Throat Chakra defining our physical and spiritual voice viz the means of communicating of “who you are” and “what you need and want” from yourself and the universe
5. Associated Element with Throat Chakra:
The element associated with the Throat Chakra is Ether/Spirit/Life and Sound which represents the Level of Psychology/Mind and is associated with Transformation, Unification, Power, Time.
Through the throat, the sound is propagated into the air and its vibration can be felt not just in our ears, but also in our whole body.
Characteristics of Throat Chakra

- Honor your right to speak:
This characteristic is quintessential to the throat chakra as each word acts as your bond. Every time you give your word, you’re putting your honor on the line. This implies that others can place their trust in you because you value integrity and would never let them down.
- Honor your unique power of existence:
Each being is born with unique talents and has a distinctive life purpose. This emphasizes the necessity to analyze true desires clearly and not be influenced or enchanted by others. Balanced throat chakra fosters self-esteem, whether negative or positive, allowing individuals to accept their uniqueness and express it.
- The 5 T’s of Communication:
The 5 T’s of communication include:
- Throat chakra – Balanced
- Timing
- Tone
- Technique
- Truth
These communication rules lay the groundwork for the total impact of our words in a positive way. The throat chakra aids in releasing all fears of speaking and listening, ultimately allowing one to be completely present in the moment with wisdom and the ability to articulate thoughts.
- Respect your words; they are the bond with your Vishuddha Chakra:
If you have given a promise to someone, no matter who the person is or how small the promise, you must honor your commitment. It demonstrates the capacity to make decisions with the knowledge that, regardless of the decisions made, you can keep your word to yourself or to another person.
- Will Power and Power of Choice:
The choices you make reveal your intentions; hence, one must develop strong willpower by making choices in alignment with their life purpose. This alignment draws on both the desires of the heart and the wisdom of the mind.
Overactive Vishuddha Chakra
The over-reactive phase of this chakra makes the person yell and dominate others in a conversation, not allowing them to speak or listen to them, with a loud and shrill voice, and become judgmental by overanalyzing things.
When your Vishuddha Chakra is overactive;
- Voice will be loud with dominancy.
- Interrupt behavior with ongoing conversations.
- Over-opinionated and critical of others.
- Bad listener and intellectualize things to avoid the vulnerability of feelings.
- Mostly a compulsive liar prone to gossiping.
- Dishonors his own words with an inability to fulfill commitments and promises.
Underactive Vishuddha Chakra
Underactive chakra makes one whisper and speaks in a timid voice with stammering. These people find it hard to initiate conversations or find the right words when speaking.
When your Vishuddha Chakra is underactive:
- Difficulty to express feelings and emotion
- Feel shy and timid.
- Unable to initiate a conversation and think that you do not have the right to ask a question.
- Feel under-rated with your own feelings and difficulty in telling the truth and being honest with oneself.
How to Balance Throat Chakra(Vishuddha)
Yoga Poses for Throat Chakra

- Lion’s Breath (Simhasana Pranayama):
- Sit in a comfortable position.
- Inhale deeply through the nose.
- Exhale forcefully through the mouth, sticking out the tongue and making a “ha” sound.
- Releases tension, stimulates the throat, and promotes self-expression.
- Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana):
- Lie on your back and lift your legs towards the ceiling.
- Support your lower back with your hands and lift your hips.
- This pose stimulates the throat region and improves blood circulation.
- Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana):
- Press through your feet, lift your hips towards the ceiling, and clasp your hands under your back.
- Lift your chest towards your chin, opening the throat.
- Ujjayi Pranayama (Ocean Breath):
- Inhale deeply through the nose, slightly constricting the back of the throat.
- Exhale slowly, creating a soft, ocean-like sound.
- Enhances mindfulness, balances the throat, and promotes clarity in communication.
- Matsyasana (Fish Pose):
- Lie on your back and arch your chest upward, supporting the weight on your elbows.
- Stretches the neck and throat, promoting openness and expression.
- Yin Yoga Poses:
- Poses like Sphinx, Seal, or Melting Heart Pose help in opening and balancing the throat chakra by targeting the neck and upper back.
Tips for Throat Chakra Yoga:
- Practice poses that focus on stretching and opening the neck and throat.
- Pay attention to your breath and engage in pranayama exercises to promote mindful breathing.
- Visualize a bright blue light at the throat area during your practice to enhance the connection with the throat chakra.
- Include affirmations related to communication and self-expression in your yoga practice.
Chanting and Mantras:

- Chanting the seed mantra associated with the throat chakra, “HAM,” can help activate and balance it.
- Listen to or chant mantras related to communication and self-expression
Throat Chakra Stones

One of the best ways to balance an underactive or overactive chakra is by using crystals. The crystals below all resonate at the frequency of the throat chakra,
- Amazonite: Dispels and guards against negativity while restoring emotional balance.
- Lapis lazuli: Used to open, stimulate, and balance. This “stone of truth” restores your ability to communicate effectively.
- Turquoise: Used to stimulate and balance. Dispels negativity and restores confidence to speak and express one’s thoughts effectively.
- Aquamarine: Used to cleanse and stimulate. It offers courage and promotes tolerance and compassion while dispelling fear.

Affirmations can be a powerful tool for balancing and healing the throat chakra. Here are some affirmations specifically tailored to the throat chakra to help foster clear communication, authentic expression, and balance:
- I Speak My Truth:
- “I express myself honestly and openly.”
- “My voice is strong, and I speak my truth with confidence.”
- I Communicate Clearly:
- “My thoughts are clear, and my words are articulate.”
- “I communicate effectively and with ease.”
- I Listen with Understanding:
- “I listen attentively and understand the perspectives of others.”
- “I am present in conversations and show empathy.”
- My Voice Matters:
- “I value and honor my own voice.”
- “My opinions are valid, and I deserve to be heard.”
Balance Lifestyle
A balanced lifestyle that nurtures the throat chakra involves a holistic approach to well-being. Begin with a nourishing diet, emphasizing fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while minimizing irritants like caffeine and alcohol. Regular exercise, especially practices like yoga, not only supports physical health but also helps align and open the throat chakra. Prioritize hydration, as water is essential for vocal cord health. Ensure adequate sleep to rejuvenate both body and mind, and practice mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress and promote mental clarity.
To summarize, unleashing the power of the throat chakra is a transformative journey to authentic living and clear communication. By understanding its importance, recognizing signs of imbalance and cultivating a balanced lifestyle, you can pave the way to a harmonious and vibrant throat chakra. This holistic approach not only enhances spiritual well-being, but also contributes to a more authentic and fulfilling life.
I have trouble singing, unless it is Happy Birthday. When listening to the 40 hertz music I felt my through moving and changing . I am doing the ham sound and that feels comfortable. I am 70 years old and maybe it is time to show my voice . Sometimes in my job I was speaking elequently but not too often. My mother gave me up at 2 months or so and I feel that is why I could not speak or sing but sit and watch others tell stories and enjoy their music. I imagine I cried for my mother but she did not often show up, I was in foster care for a spell until grama and grampa took me in. Thanks for asking. JOY