Ushas mudra is a hand gesture that can give a spark to your creativity and energy levels. If you’re finding ways to have a restart in your life then Ushas mudra is all that you need to tap on.
You can practice this mudra while seated, standing, walking, or even reclining in a prone position. In every case, the body must be relaxed and symmetrical.
However, practicing it while meditating is recommended to gain the most benefits. Ushas Mudra is performed by clasping the hands with interlaced fingers and joining the thumbs at the tips.
Find out how men and women practice this gesture differently in the following description.
Meaning and Interpretation
In Sanskrit “ushas” refers to “dawn and “mudra” refers to “seal or gesture“. This mudra is practiced during meditation mostly when people are trying to bring forth new beginnings and set intentions, hence the name.
The Mythology behind Ushas mudra
It is named after the Goddess of dawn, Ushas, who is known for bringing light into the world every morning. She was mentioned in the Rig Veda as the most sacred and exalted Goddess.
Goddess Ushas was the daughter of heaven and the sister of night. She is portrayed in the ancient traditional texts as a beautiful woman who has a golden chariot. She rides on it every morning in the sky and makes a way for the Sun to bring a new day into our lives.
As Goddess Ushas provides us a new opportunity every day to conquer the previous dark phase, so is the benefit of holding Ushas mudra. Therefore, the symbolic representation of Ushas mudra is bringing life changes and resolutions.
It is also popular by its English name, “the break-of-day mudra“.
How to Do Ushas mudra
- Sit in a comfortable meditative posture.
- Keep your eyes closed or open as per your convenience.
- Clasp your hands so that the fingers are interlaced and palms are facing towards you.
- For Men: Keep the right thumb on top of the left with the right thumb exerting gentle pressure on the left.
- For women: The position of thumbs differ. Here, the right thumb is placed between the left thumb and index finger.
- Place your hands as such in your lap and visualize the serenity and calm of the dawn with a rising Sun.
- Shift your awareness towards positive changes that you are going to make in your life.
- Enhance the practice by chanting “Om Ushase Namaha” silently or loudly.
Time & Duration
- Practice Ushas mudra in the morning hours, usually first thing as soon as you wake up.
- You can hold this mudra as long as it feels comfortable.
- However, it is important to hold it for at least 5-15 minutes to observe a positive difference.
Benefits of Ushas Mudra
1. Promotes Mental Alertness – Ushas Mudra is performed by clasping both hands symmetrically. It balances and synchronizes the left and right hemispheres of the brain, helping to bring clarity to the mind and promote awareness.
2. Benefits the Endocrine System – Ushas Mudra is a boon for those suffering from hormonal imbalances. Patients with PCOD and thyroid issues benefit from practicing this simple hand gesture. It regulates proper hormonal flow and provides long-term benefits.
3. Regulates Irregular Menses – By regulating hormonal flow, this gesture helps maintain a healthy menstrual cycle. Therefore, it can provide a long-term solution to irregular periods.
4. Stimulates the Sacral Chakra – Ushas Mudra helps open the Sacral (Swadishthana) chakra, benefiting the individual in various ways. It enhances social life, sexuality, creativity, and brings pleasure.
5. Uplifts Energy Level – This gesture is usually performed early in the morning. This is so because it provides energy to lead the day ahead. It eliminates the lethargy and brings enthusiasm to have a day and life full of spark
Now, you might be wondering that you are already doing Ushas Mudra without even knowing since forever. It is when you wake-up in the morning with a stretch and yawn.
So as you know and understand its significance you do not have to wait for new year’s eve to transform your life by setting intentions and resolutions.
Just try sitting holding Ushas mudra for a few minutes the next morning you wake up to lead a more energetic and determined life.