- Significance
- Root Chakra Color
- Sacral Chakra Color
- Solar Plexus Chakra Color
- Heart Chakra Color
- Throat Chakra Color
- Third Eye Chakra Color
- Crown Chakra Color

We all often have come across the word “chakra” in some way or another, but it’s very few that we know what exactly this word means and how its existence impacts the physical and emotional well-being of all of us.
According to yogic scriptures, the human body is assembled of energy centers and channels of prana. These energy centers are known as chakras. Nadis (Channels of prana) and chakras are the medium of energy flow in our body. There are around 114 chakras in our body out of which seven major chakras are responsible for the flow of energy and maintenance of balance throughout the body.
Each of the seven chakras is associated with seven distinct colors.
- Root Chakra / Muladhara – Red
- Sacral Chakra / Svadhishthana – Orange
- Solar Plexus Chakra / Manipura – Yellow
- Heart Chakra / Anahata – Green
- Throat Chakra / Vishuddha – Blue
- Third Eye Chakra / Ajna – Indigo
- Crown Chakra / Sahasrara – Violet
Why Chakras have Colors? And what is their significance?
A color is nothing but energy vibrating at a certain frequency of the visible spectrum.
The reason why the chakras have colors is that the energy present in them (in the form of moving Prana) keeps vibrating in different wavelengths. For example, Root chakra vibrates at 200-400 THz, sacral chakras at 484-508 THz, and solar plexus chakras at 508-586 THz.
Now we know when energy vibrates it produces a frequency and we can see the frequency of the visible spectrum (400–790 THz) only. This frequency band actually is the spectrum of white light, which gets scattered by rain droplets and forms a rainbow. Therefore chakras and rainbow show similar patterns of colors.
The current chakra color system idea came from Dr Christopher Hills book “Nuclear Evolution: Discovery of the Rainbow Body“. He explained chakras colors in relation to the rainbow. Before that different texts has described different colors.

Each color has its own significance and gives a reasonable meaning to chakras. For example, The red color of the root chakra is about survival instinct so it encourages physical energy, passion, and courage.
Though chakras are part of the astral body, we can’t see them by intersecting the gross physical body. But colors of chakras can be seen as the aura of a person who’s in deep meditation.
The vibration of colors maintains and harnesses the energy flow, along with it, it influences your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. With the help of color therapy for chakras, it becomes very simple to fix and heal the energy centers.
Now we will dive into the knowledge and significance of colors associated with chakras and know how the colors evolve around us in the contexts.
1. Root Chakra / Muladhara

Color | Red |
Frequency | 620–750 nm (400–484 THz frequency) |
Location | Bottom of the spine, near the tailbone |
Root chakra incorporates your fundamental necessities like food, water, haven, and wellbeing, just as your more feelings, for example, relinquishing dread. When these requirements are met, you feel grounded and safe, and you will, in general, concern less every day.
Red color meaning & significance

The color of root chakra is red and is the most vivid and dense color of all, representing life force, liveliness, and courage. Our root chakra alerts us immediately to dangers and warnings, and we react accordingly. Red signifies energy and our linking with the earth and carries the promise of existence. Therefore it supports the survival instinct.
Also, the red color has the longest wavelength for which it has the lowest vibration of frequencies. This lowest vibration of the root chakra helps in balancing the physical energy and maintains balance throughout the body. It’s the reason root chakra has the lowest place and able to hold all 7 chakras.
The red colour plays a significant role in being connected with the root chakra. Its significance can be seen in physical, mental & spiritual level:
1. Physical level
On a physical level, red color of root chakra is related to adrenal organs – the organs whose capacity is connected to the “fight or flight” reaction – the instinctual endurance reaction. Therefore, individuals who are attracted to red appreciate being in their actual bodies and connected with the earth.
2. Mental level
The energy of red is manly; it is dynamic, active, can be reasonably strong, and predominant. The red hue of the root chakra shows anger, it invokes it on the personality of the person, as this anger can be a blessing or disrupting depending on the smooth flow of the chakra.
3. Spiritual level
In a balanced state of the root chakra, red shade blooms from within providing a strong connection with self and nature. It moves us, stirs us, and guides us towards change.
When meditated upon this color it invokes a sense of deep nourishment with self and arises the ability to relax and be still.
2. Sacral Chakra / Svadhishthana

Color | Orange |
Frequency | 590–620 nm |
Location | Below the belly button, pubic bone |
The sacral chakra is found just underneath the navel, directly in the focal point of the lower tummy, and in the back, it is situated below the lumbar spine. A portion of its corresponding body regions and organs are the lower back, genitals, and stomach.
This chakra is the main point of feelings, sentiments and invigorates joy. However, it’s anything but a functioning job in our sexuality and articulation of our sexual necessities and wants.
Orange color meaning & significance

The sacral chakra being of bright orange colour is the source of our gut feelings and wisdom.
Being above the root chakra it has part of red and yellow, when mixed, it turns orange emanating joy, enthusiasm, and passion.
The orange color of this chakra is responsible for sexuality, intimacy, self-expression, and emotional well-being. This hue is very sensual and connects us with the deepest self and stillness.
The orange hue is beneficial to health in many ways.
1. Physical level
Orange color of sacral chakra is associated with the organs of bladder, colon, and gallbladder. It is the source of energy required for reproduction, digestion and assimilation.
The vibratory energy that propagates from orange shade plays the role of converting Prana into energy, which is then used for vital organ function and reproduction.
2. Mental level
Orange color is known for its igniting spark, which makes a call to mind feelings of excitement, creativity and comfort. Therefore sacral chakra is the building block of development and sustenance which makes us aware of our reality (Sva – self “adhishthana” – dwelling place).
3. Spiritual level
The hue of orange in itself dazzles up the brightness. When the spiritual energy extracted from sacral chakra, the orange color becomes source of great intensity and power. It provides the mind strength to deal with ups and downs of life.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra / Manipura

Color | Yellow |
Frequency | 570–590 nm |
Location | Upper belly at the diaphragm |
The primary function of solar plexus chakra is to govern personality, self-image, individual freedom, legitimacy, and choice. Likewise this chakra has a lot to do with inspiration, determination, and purpose, which originate from one’s feeling of individual viability.
Yellow color meaning & significance

Yellow is the shade of daylight, and solar plexus is the center of being that sparks with the yellowish flame of the fire element.
You feel the strength, will, and individual force at the solar plexus where the “I” sparkles. The yellow color symbolizes energy, hope, and readiness to go. It is the shade of youth, fresh starts, birth, and re-birth.
As you unfurl the petals of solar plexus chakra, you discover a fire that copies inside you, giving you force and energy to represent yourself and advocate for yourself. You find out trust and internal worth. That is the recuperating brightness of yellow.
1. Physical level
On physical level, yellow identifies with the stomach, stomach-related organs, centre back, pancreas, liver, and muscles. These are called the organs of the solar plexus chakra.
Individuals with solid yellow energy stand tall and transmit power. Those with powerless yellow energy seem imploded in the center; they are slumping – their back or muscular strength is feeble.
2. Mental level
The yellow chakra is the root energy of will and self-definition. It gives a warm feeling to the mind and deeply nourishes the soul.
Exploiting the power of yellow colour can enhance the concentration, wisdom and uplift the spirit of doing something remarkable in this world. If you desire to be successful then meditate on the yellow colour of solar plexus chakra.
3. Spiritual level
On a spiritual level, yellow chakra energy is instinctual knowing and developing into the soul. The warmth colour assimilates all the knowledge and turns those into positive vibes to grow spiritually.
Moreover, yellow color is highly eligible for uplifting enthusiasm. This vibrant color spreads warmth and gives a boost to our nervous system (specially during a depressive period).
4. Heart Chakra / Anahata

Color | Green |
Frequency | 495–570 nm |
Location | Center of chest |
This chakra administers one’s feelings of trust, harmony, liberality, appreciation, and connectedness. It governs change and transformation, solid limits, profundity involved with others, enthusiastic control, and love for oneself.
Green color meaning & significance

The heart chakra comprises of air element and is green in color; therefore it has a deep connection mainly with relationships, love, and marriage. The imbalance in the energy flow of heart chakra becomes the reason for distrust in relationships for which break-ups take place even in long-term relationships.
Green vibes of heart chakra connect us to nature bringing the vibrancy of peace and calmness. It helps in soothing the pain and brings wholeness into our lives.
The green color transforms the ego into love and fulfils the need of the lower chakras. It’s the power of green only that gives life, growth, and balance. Through the balance of heart chakra, you can cherish, structure solid and sustaining connections, and give and get love.
1. Physical level
The green color of the heart chakra identifies with the heart, lungs, chest, shoulders, arms, bosoms, and thymus organ on the physical plane.
2. Mental level
Green addresses the formative stage when we start to figure out how to frame associations with loved ones. Heart chakra is the place where a great deal of recuperating is required. We become injured seeing someone, and mending happens seeing someone also.
3. Spiritual level
The spiritual part of efficient heart chakra energy is instinctual knowing and developing into the soul. The formative undertaking of the heart chakra is framing associations with loved ones. However, on a profound level, the green color can help us enter the secret and force of adoration.
5. Throat Chakra / Vishuddha

Color | Blue |
Frequency | 450–495 nm |
Location | Base of the throat |
Throat chakra is the window to our inner being that we use to communicate with others. Vishuddi, which is a Sanskrit word that means “especially pure,” refers to this chakra’s keenest vibration when it is free, unshackled, and untainted.
Blue color meaning & significance

The blue color of the throat chakra shows the ability to clear communication and self-explanations. Also, it’s associated with the ability to listen consciously and in communicating one’s own beliefs. In addition, blue is a cooler color where things slow down, letting you take a moment to mind your own business.
When the energy flows is efficiently through the chakra, we can very smoothly communicate and express our feelings. It is vital for us to maintain the flow of energy for our well-being along with to improve our spiritual abilities.
1. Physical level
Individuals with solid blue energy stand tall and hold their chest area straight. Those with powerless blue power show up close in the chest area, their head and neck are presented, they have a soft spine.
2. Mental level
Blue is the energy of representative reasoning. We use images to communicate something – an item, an idea, or an inclination. Images are the structure squares of correspondence and cognisance—throat chakra shading blue interfaces the material and the symbolic.
3. Spiritual level
The profound part of throat chakra shading is inventiveness and association with the Divine. The formative assignments of the throat chakra are imaginative articulation, relational abilities, and representative (theoretical) thinking.
6. Third Eye Chakra / Ajna

Color | Indigo |
Frequency | – |
Location | Center of forehead |
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra) empowers people to see the brighter side by envisioning things. When this chakra is impeccably adjusted, individuals can have great characters and identify with one another successfully by sharing fundamental thoughts.
The feeling of thought is associated with this chakra. It is the primary focus of instinct in the body. It empowers us to live centred around our everyday exercises.
Indigo color meaning & significance

The third eye chakra color is indigo, which is also called royal blue. Wisdom and inner knowing are reflected in this color. It is the color associated with the night and opens up the portal to the Divine. During the night, our senses are more finely tuned, and another part of us awakens.
Indigo restores clarity to the senses – your vision, hearing, and sense of touch. This color also connects to your sixth sense – your third eye.
1. Physical level
Indigo identifies with the cerebrum, forehead, pituitary organ, pineal organ, eyes, nose, and the carotid nerve plexus on a physical level.
Individuals with solid indigo energy have a noticeable flash in their eyes. Their eyes are splendid, and you sense profound shrewdness when you investigate their eyes. It’s anything but quiet yet solid energy that moves, changes, and changes.
2. Mental level
Indigo addresses the way of “easy activity”. It implies that when you are in real life, you are not overwhelming your inner self or will on the circumstance. Instead, activity moves through you, and you achieve everything quickly.
3. Spiritual level
The profound part of third eye chakra shading is transcending extremity and creating observer cognisance. At this level, you start to see the operations of the Divine, and you begin to get one with it.
7. Crown Chakra / Sahasrara

Color | Violet |
Frequency | 380–450 nm |
Location | Top of the head |
The Crown Chakra is found at the crown of the head that illuminates the otherworldly associations of one individual to the others and the incomparable creatures. The sensory system, the pituitary organ, and the mind organs are a portion of the crucial organs associated with the crown chakra.
Violet color meaning & significance

Violet offers an internal feeling of completeness. With completeness comes a sense of finishing, the culmination of interaction, and a guarantee of something new, brightening, resurrection.
You can also envision crown chakra colors like purple, white, or gold. These colors open up to the light of a new spring, pull back awareness out from the strata of matter, layers of time, and levels of perception.
In the context of general color psychology, violet has the shortest wavelength and the highest vibration of all the visible colors. This shows violet color can cause great joy as well as sorrow.
1. Physical level
An actual crown chakra shading violet identifies with the cerebral cortex, the skull, and the cerebrum. Individuals with adjusted violet energy have all their chakras turning smoothly; power in their body is streaming openly from base to the top. They transmit wellbeing, harmony, and accessible energy.
2. Mental level
Violet individuals are liberal, curious, and profound masterminds. They love getting the hang of, considering, and perusing. They question what they realize, introspect and discover associations and examples inside everything. As a result, no subject is excessively dull or exhausting to learn.
3. Spiritual level
Violet symbolizes spirituality. With the efficient and smooth flow of the energy in violet spectrum, one can attain great powers of predicting the outcomes and can also perform miracles.
Chakras are the primary source of energy present in our body. With the correct care and adequate yoga and meditation the chakras energy can be arisen and be invoked to a powerful level.
The colors of the chakra play an efficient role in balancing the energy level in them. The seven colors can be seen throughout the body symbolizing some disruptions occurring in the body. Hence, it is pivotal to maintain the balance and to put efforts into doing the right things. Whatever your blockage be, you should always look for which chakra is blocked and should meditate on the color of that chakra. It will surely remove the obstruction and channelize the smooth flow of the energy. Having the knowledge of the balance between the colors of chakras will not only help you to grow physically but also mentally and spiritually you will be harnessed.
Many thanks, it’s very interesting. Love the violet one!