Yoni Mudra: Benefits, How to Make and When to Avoid it

yoni mudra
Hands in yoni mudra. Image Source: Instagram/Bumba Bee

In ancient yoga practice, hand mudras are of great importance. They serve as powerful gateways to channel energy and release spiritual potential. Among them, the yoni mudra stands out as a symbol of divine feminine energy and a path to inner transformation. In this article, we explore the enigmatic domain of Yoni Mudra and uncover its meaning, benefits and practical implementation in modern yoga routines.

Understanding Yoni Mudra

Yoni Mudra, derived from the Sanskrit word “Yoni” meaning womb or female reproductive organ, embodies the essence of feminine creative energy. Symbolically, the hand gesture resembles the shape of the female genital organ, representing the sacred vessel of creation and birth. Beyond its physical form, Yoni Mudra serves as a potent tool for tapping into the innate power of the divine feminine within each practitioner. The practice of this mudra helps to cultivate a sense of inner peace, creativity, and feminine energy.

Significance of Yoni Mudra

inside the womb or yoni

As the womb is a dark place from where an unborn baby seeks to come out, Yoni mudra brings you out from the darkness of negativity and fills a light within you. Thus this mudra is also called Jyoti mudra or the gesture of light.

Yoni mudra in kriya yoga is practised as a closing relaxation exercise. The goddess Kali, who is a representation of the Kundalini Shakti, is associated with the Yoni mudra in Hinduism. Since this mudra helps you to internalise, it’s used in Kundalini yoga. In Kundalini yoga, yoni mudra along with root lock (mula bandha) is considered an effective exercise to awaken the kundalini.

Since yoni mudra resembles the female genital organ or womb, it’s associated with the creative power of the universe and the potential for new beginnings. It invokes feminine creative power that takes place in the womb and gives birth to a baby. In yogic philosophy, the yoni is seen as a symbol of the divine feminine energy or Shakti, which is associated with creation, birth, and fertility.

Yoni mudra also represents the womb that shows a state of mind when we exist in this world physically but are cut from the issues and tensions of the mundane world just like an unborn baby or developing fetus.

Especially for women, Yoni mudra fosters a sense of empowerment and helps connect with their feminine power which promotes mindfulness of the womb.

Yoni mudra can help us tap into our feminine power and intuition, allowing us to connect with our inner selves and the divine feminine energy of the universe. We can achieve a state of deep relaxation, inner peace, and spiritual connection, while also experiencing physical benefits such as reduced stress and anxiety, improved blood circulation, and increased energy levels.

Ayurvedic Elements – Fire and Air

5 elements in fingertips

In Yoni mudra, the index finger, which represents the air element, is joined at the tip of the thumb, which is the finger of the fire element. Therefore, this mudra brings balance between air and fire elements within the body.

When the air and fire elements are in balance within the body, it can lead to a sense of harmony and stability. The air element represents movement, creativity, and expansion, while the fire element represents transformation, energy, and passion.

Yoni mudra combines the balance of air and fire elements. By joining the index and thumb tips in a downward-pointing direction, it redirects them towards the pelvic floor organs. This results in increased prana flow, which can leave you feeling energized, focused, and motivated, all while maintaining a sense of calmness and clarity.

Rest three fingers (middle, ring and little finger) and their associated elements (ether, earth, and water) remain intact in this mudra practice.

Chakras – Root and Sacral Chakra

Root chakra symbol.
Sacral Chakra symbol

Yoni Mudra is associated with the sacral and root chakra.

The sacral chakra is linked to the reproductive organs and governs emotions and creativity. By practising Yoni Mudra, the flow of energy to the sacral chakra is enhanced, which can lead to increased creativity and emotional stability.

Similarly, the root chakra is associated with grounding and stability, and Yoni Mudra provides a sense of relaxation and grounding. This mudra brings balance to the root chakra, which can help to release stress and anxiety and create a feeling of stability and security.

So, in summary, Yoni Mudra is linked to the sacral chakra because of its effects on reproductive organs and emotions, and to the root chakra due to its grounding and relaxing effects.

How to Perform Yoni Mudra

yoni mudra hands
Image source: Shutterstock

To make yoni mudra, bring your hands together in front of your heart. Partially bend your middle, ring and little fingers, joining them at the middle portion. Extend your index fingers to make an ‘A’ shape and the thumbs downward to form a ‘V’ shape. Turn your hands upside down and press the thumb joining tip at the navel, hold for 10 minutes.

Follow the steps below to perform it.

  • Sit comfortably in a meditative pose preferably in padmasana or sukhasana hands resting on your knees.
  • Bring your hands together in front of your heart, palm facing each other.
  • Bend your middle, ring and little fingers at the middle phalanx (centre joint of the finger) and join both hands’ respective fingers at the middle portion.
  • Extend your index fingers and join their tips to make an ‘A’ like shape.
  • Similarly, extend the thumb downward and join them at the tip to form a ‘V’ shape.
  • The remaining fingers will be visible through the gap between the formation of the thumbs and index fingers.
  • Turn both hands upside down so that now thumbs point up and index fingers point down (like in the above image).
  • The shape of the fingers will look like 4 sides diamond or a womb. The thumbs and index fingers signify the opening of the womb.
  • Press the thumb joining tip at the navel so that the index finger joining tip points towards the pelvis.
  • Hold the mudra for several minutes (preferably 10 minutes), focusing on your breath and the energy on your pelvic floor.
  • Release the mudra by gently unclasping your fingers and placing your hands on your knees, palms facing up or down according to your mental state.

Yoni mudra can be practised at any time of the day, preferably in the morning or before bed. It is a great mudra to start or end your day, helping to bring focus, relaxation and balance to your mind and body.

Benefits of Yoni Mudra

This mudra helps to balance the air and fire elements in the body, and redirects energy towards the pelvic floor organs, resulting in an increased flow of prana in reproductive organs. Some of the health benefits of yoni mudra include improved digestion, enhanced fertility, reduced menstrual cramps, increased pelvic floor strength, reduced anxiety and stress, and improved mental clarity and focus.

A study published in the International Journal of Yoga Therapy found that yoni mudra can help reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and improve overall menstrual health in women.

Additionally, expert yoga teacher and therapist Jennifer Reis notes that yoni mudra can “help women connect with the divine feminine within themselves, enhancing their intuition and creativity, and promoting self-love and acceptance.”

Therapeutically one of the potential benefits of yoni mudra is its ability to improve fertility by increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs and balancing the hormones. It can also be helpful mudra in reducing menstrual cramps, regulating the menstrual cycle, and relieving symptoms of menopause. Additionally, yoni mudra can improve pelvic floor strength and reduce urinary incontinence.

  1. Increases focus and concentration: Yoni mudra is a powerful technique that helps in increasing focus and concentration. It helps to calm the mind and improves mental clarity, allowing the practitioner to concentrate better.
  2. Relieves anxiety and stress: Yoni mudra is an effective technique for reducing anxiety and stress. It helps to calm the nervous system, reduces tension in the body, and promotes a sense of calm and relaxation.
  3. Promotes emotional balance: Yoni mudra is known to promote emotional balance by regulating the flow of energy in the body. It helps to release negative emotions, such as anger, fear, and sadness and promotes a sense of inner peace.
  4. Enhances sexual health: Yoni mudra is considered to be beneficial for women’s reproductive health. It helps to regulate the menstrual cycle, alleviate menstrual cramps, and improve overall sexual health.
  5. Boosts energy levels: Yoni mudra helps to improve the flow of prana or life force energy in the body. This helps to increase vitality and boost energy levels, promoting a sense of overall well-being.
  6. Enhances spiritual awareness: Yoni mudra is a powerful tool for enhancing spiritual awareness. It helps to activate the chakras, deepen the state of meditation, and connect with higher states of consciousness.

Practice Tips, Precautions, and Contraindications

  • Morning or Evening

Practicing Yoni Mudra in the morning or before bed can help start or end your day with focus and relaxation.

  • Incorporate Pranayama

Practicing Yoni Mudra in the morning or before bed can help start or end your day with focus and relaxation.

Yoni mudra can be incorporated with diaphragmatic breathing to promote a deep sense of calmness and increased awareness. One pranayama technique for this breathing is dirgha pranayama. Make yoni mudra, hold it near your navel and follow the instructions to practice dirgha pranayama. This pranayama technique increases lung capacity and allows you to breathe deeply into the chest.

  • Meditation

Yoni mudra is also used in Kundalini yoga meditation to help awaken the Kundalini energy. In this practice, the Yoni mudra is often used in combination with other techniques, such as deep breathing and visualization.

A simple Kundalini meditation with Yoni mudra could involve sitting comfortably with the hands in the Yoni mudra, focusing on the breath, and visualizing the energy rising up through the chakras. This practice is thought to promote a sense of calm and inner peace while also helping to awaken spiritual energy.

When to Avoid Practicing Yoni Mudra: Precautions to Keep in Mind

yoga for pregnancy
Image: Canva

If you have a physical injury or ailment in the pelvic region, or if your pregnancy is in the early stage, it’s best to avoid yoni mudra.

It is generally recommended to avoid practising yoni mudra during the first trimester of pregnancy as it involves applying pressure on the navel and it influences energy in the pelvic region, which could stimulate the uterus and potentially trigger contractions. However, it can be done during the third trimester (near childbirth). Then it will ease the labour pain.

Additionally, if you are experiencing any severe psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD, it may be best to avoid yoni mudra or any other type of advanced yoga practice until you have consulted with a medical professional or experienced yoga instructor.

Also read: Pranayama breathing exercises for pregnancy


The Yoni Mudra, which symbolises a woman’s reproductive organs, calls forth the creative potential of women who give birth to new life in their wombs. It is an easy technique to invoke the tremendous feminine, creative energy within us. Concentrating on this mudra will help you see and utilize your inner power and the infinite opportunity you have even in a crucial time.

Frequently Asked Questions on Yoni Mudra

Q. Can we do Yoni Mudra during periods?

Yes, yoni mudra can help regulate menstrual cycles and generally it’s safe to practice yoni mudra during periods. To regulate the emotional and physical changes that occur during periods, it relies upon feminine energy. Both physical pain and menstruation cramps are relieved by it.

Q. Is Yoni Mudra good for men?

Practising this mudra is considered a very good exercise for men and women with fertility problems. Since it is an extremely effective mudra to calm the mind, anybody can practice this mudra as a starting point for meditation. Yoni mudra also harmonizes all the 5 elements of the body making it a go-to mudra for such purposes.

Q. How yoni mudra works?

Joining your middle, ring and little fingers at the middle portion combines the energies from the right and left hands. Joining the tips of your index fingers and thumbs, and pointing them down stimulates downward-flowing cleansing energy. Bringing your thumbs together intensifies the upward flow of prana for enhanced health.

One Response

  1. Karina November 23, 2024

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