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This supine stretch targets tight calves by gently lengthening and stretching the back of the legs, relieving tension and promoting flexibility in the calves and hamstrings.
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In this variation, the heels are lifted while pedaling the feet, offering a deeper calf stretch and strengthening the calves and ankles, making it effective for relieving calf tightness and improving flexibility.
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This seated pose stretches the entire back of the body, including the calves, hamstrings, and lower back, providing relief from tightness in the calves and improving overall flexibility.
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This deep squat opens the hips and stretches the calves, helping to release tension and tightness in the calf muscles
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This standing forward bend deeply stretches the calves and hamstrings of the front leg, offering an intense calf stretch and improving flexibility.
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This pose targets the hamstrings and calves of the extended leg, providing a gentle yet effective stretch for tight calves and hamstrings.
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In this variation of Downward Dog, one leg is lifted, intensifying the calf stretch in the grounded leg and improving calf strength and flexibility.
Pic Credit: Shutterstock