By Ashish

Yoga Exercise to Balance Hormones

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Ustrasana massages the thyroid gland and supports hormonal function. It opens the chest, shoulders, and abdomen, encouraging improved circulation and hormone production.

Camel Pose

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 Bhujangasana massages the adrenal glands and helps alleviate stress. It promotes flexibility in the spine and opens the chest, benefiting hormone regulation.

Cobra Pose

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Dhanurasana stimulates the reproductive organs and supports hormone balance. It strengthens the back muscles and massages the abdomen, fostering hormonal harmony.

Bow Pose

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Ardha Matsyendrasana stimulates the liver and kidneys, aiding in detoxification and hormone regulation. It also massages the abdominal organs, enhancing digestion.

Half Lord Fish Pose

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Setu Bandhasana stimulates the thyroid and pituitary glands, which are key to hormonal regulation. This pose strengthens the back muscles and stretches the chest, shoulders, and neck, promoting hormonal balance.

Bridge Pose

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Sarvangasana stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands, aiding in hormonal equilibrium. It also enhances blood flow to the brain, supporting overall well-being.

Shoulder Stand

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1. While not an asana, this pranayama technique balances the nervous system, benefiting hormonal equilibrium. It calms the mind, reduces stress, and fosters overall well-being.

Nadi Shodhan Pranayama

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The Prana Mudra, formed by touching the tips of the thumb, ring finger, and little finger together while keeping the other fingers extended, is believed to aid in hormone balance. This mudra is thought to activate the root chakra and regulate energy flow, contributing to overall hormonal harmony.

Prana Mudra

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Remember that individual needs may vary, and these practices are most effective when combined with a healthy lifestyle and personalized guidance from a healthcare professional or yoga instructor.

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