By Ashish

Yoga Poses to Reduce Hair Fall

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Uttanasana increases blood flow to the head and scalp, which can improve hair follicle function. The gentle stretch in this pose also aids in relaxation and stress reduction, which can impact hair health.

Standing Forward Bend

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This pose enhances blood circulation to the scalp and head, potentially promoting hair follicle health. It's believed that increased circulation can nourish the hair follicles and contribute to reduced hair fall.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

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Bhujangasana stimulates the abdominal organs and can aid in digestion. Proper digestion ensures that the body gets the nutrients needed for healthy hair growth.

Cobra Pose

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 Ustrasana stretches the front of the body and improves circulation to the scalp. It also helps in reducing stress and promoting hormonal balance, which are linked to healthier hair.

Camel Pose

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Sarvangasana, like headstand, promotes blood circulation to the scalp. The inversion may help in rejuvenating hair follicles and maintaining scalp health.

Shoulder Stand

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While inverting, sirsasana increases blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles. Improved circulation may supply essential nutrients to the hair roots, potentially reducing hair fall.


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By improving digestion and reducing stress, vajrasana indirectly supports hair health. Efficient digestion ensures that the body absorbs necessary nutrients that can contribute to strong hair.


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While these yoga asanas may have potential benefits for hair health, remember that individual results can vary. A balanced diet, proper hair care, medical advice, and addressing underlying causes of hair fall are equally important. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine.

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