By Ashish
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Boat Pose activates the solar plexus chakra by engaging the core and stimulating the abdominal area, fostering a sense of empowerment and boosting self-confidence. This pose helps balance and energize the solar plexus, promoting a strong connection to personal power and inner strength.
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Cobra Pose stimulates Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)chakra by opening the front of the body, promoting vitality and boosting confidence.
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Bow Pose opens the solar plexus chakra by stretching and energizing the area, promoting self-confidence and a sense of personal power. The heart-opening nature of Bow Pose encourages emotional release and empowers the individual to embrace their inner strength and courage.
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High Lunge with Twist opens the solar plexus chakra by stretching and activating the area, promoting confidence and courage. The twist stimulates energy flow in the solar plexus, fostering a sense of empowerment and balance in this chakra.
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Revolved Triangle Pose opens the solar plexus chakra by stretching and stimulating the area, encouraging a sense of personal power and self-assurance. The twisting motion in this pose helps release energy blockages and fosters a greater connection to inner strength and confidence.
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Vajroli Mudra, a powerful yogic practice, helps open the solar plexus chakra by redirecting and harnessing energy towards this region, fostering self-confidence and a strong sense of inner power. This mudra aids in balancing and activating the solar plexus, promoting emotional stability and a deeper connection to one's personal strength and identity.
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