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7 Yoga Poses to Help Heal Trauma

This gentle resting pose promotes deep relaxation, calms the nervous system, and provides a sense of safety and security, helping to release emotional tension and promote healing in trauma survivors

Child Pose

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This restorative inversion pose promotes relaxation, relieves stress, and activates the parasympathetic nervous system, facilitating deep rest and healing for individuals dealing with trauma

Legs Up the Wall Pose

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By opening the chest and heart, this pose helps to release stored emotions, alleviate anxiety and depression, and cultivate a sense of empowerment and stability, promoting healing and resilience in trauma survivors.

Bridge Pose

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This empowering standing pose builds strength and stability, fostering a sense of grounding and resilience, while also encouraging a mindful connection to the present moment, which can be beneficial for trauma survivors in reclaiming their power and finding balance.

Warrior 2 Pose

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This gentle flowing movement between arching and rounding the spine promotes spinal flexibility, releases tension, and encourages the release of emotions stored in the body, facilitating healing and emotional release.

Cat Cow Pose

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This balancing pose strengthens the legs and improves focus, fostering stability and grounding, which can help trauma survivors develop a sense of inner strength and stability.

Tree Pose

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This final relaxation pose allows the body and mind to fully relax, supporting the integration of experiences, reducing anxiety and tension, and promoting a sense of peace and wholeness in trauma survivors.

Corpse Pose

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Yoga Mudras for Anxiety Relief

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