By Ashish
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Eagle Pose involves wrapping one arm under the other while crossing the legs, creating a stretch in the shoulders. This balancing pose improves shoulder mobility, releases tension, and contributes to the overall relief of shoulder pain.
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Forward Fold with Clasp involves bending forward and clasping the hands behind the back, creating a stretch in the shoulders. This pose helps release tension, improve shoulder flexibility, and alleviate discomfort associated with shoulder pain.
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Dolphin Pose is a variation of Downward Dog that specifically targets the shoulders and upper back. By bringing the forearms to the mat and lifting the hips, this pose stretches and strengthens the shoulders, offering relief from pain and tension.
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Reverse Prayer Pose involves bringing the palms together behind the back, stretching and opening the shoulders. This pose helps alleviate shoulder pain by improving flexibility and promoting a broader range of motion in the shoulder joints.
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Rabbit Pose is effective for shoulder pain relief as it requires reaching behind and clasping the hands, providing a deep stretch to the upper back and shoulders. This forward-bending pose enhances flexibility and releases tension in the shoulder area.
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Bow Pose is a backbend that targets the shoulders by reaching back and grabbing the ankles. This pose not only strengthens the shoulders but also opens the chest, providing relief from shoulder pain and improving overall posture.
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Thread the Needle is excellent for shoulder pain relief, involving threading one arm under the other while in a tabletop position. This gentle twist stretches and releases tension in the shoulders, promoting flexibility and mobility.
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Cow Face Pose targets the shoulders by bringing one arm behind the back and the other over the shoulder, aiding in the release of tightness. Regular practice enhances shoulder flexibility and reduces discomfort associated with shoulder pain.
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