By Ashish

Yoga Poses for Mindfulness

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Classic meditation posture for comfortable yet alert meditation. Enhances mindfulness by supporting proper alignment and inner stillness.

Lotus Pose

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Enhances mindfulness through balance and concentration, fostering a deep mind-body connection and mental stability.

Tree Pose

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Promotes mindfulness through gentle forward folding, calming the mind, and connecting with the breath, facilitating relaxation and introspection.

Seated Forward Bend Pose

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Diaphragmatic breathing, involves inhaling deeply through the nose, allowing the diaphragm to expand, and exhaling fully. By focusing on the breath's sensation in the abdomen, it brings attention to the present, calms the mind, and reduces stress and anxiety, essential for mindfulness.

Deep Abdominal Yoga Breathing

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This balancing pranayama involves breathing through one nostril while blocking the other. It promotes harmony, clears energy channels, enhances concentration, and brings tranquility and presence, enhancing mindfulness and meditation.

Alternate Nostril Yoga Breathing 

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Mindfulness Meditation: A foundational practice involves sitting comfortably, focusing on the present, often observing the breath or bodily sensations without judgment. Enhances self-awareness, reduces stress, and promotes deep presence, a highly effective tool for mindfulness.

Mindfulness Meditation

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By elevating the legs, this pose encourages blood flow and relaxation, relieving stress and promoting a sense of calm conducive to better sleep.


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