By Ashish

Yoga Poses for Healthy Body and Mind

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 Tadasana establishes a strong foundation and improves posture. It encourages mindful awareness and deep breathing, fostering mental clarity and body alignment.

Mountain Pose

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Tree Pose enhances balance and focus. It encourages mental clarity and concentration while strengthening the legs and core.

Tree Pose

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Warrior II builds strength in the legs and opens the hips. The focused gaze and deep breathing cultivate mental resilience and inner calm.

Warrior Pose 2

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This pose lengthens the spine, stretches the hamstrings, and promotes blood flow to the brain. It helps reduce stress and anxiety while strengthening the body.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

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Ustrasana opens the chest, promotes lung expansion, and releases tension in the shoulders. It encourages emotional release and improves posture.

Camel Pose

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Shoulder Stand Pose (Sarvangasana) improves circulation by reversing blood flow, benefiting the thyroid and calming the mind. This pose enhances physical strength, stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, and fosters mental clarity and tranquility.

Shoulder Stand Pose

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Balasana relaxes the spine and calms the mind. It's a resting pose that encourages introspection, deep breathing, and relaxation.

Child Pose

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Savasana is a relaxation pose that soothes the body and mind. It promotes deep rest and rejuvenation, reducing stress and anxiety.


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Benefits of Pranayama for Body & Brain