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Yoga Poses to Release Anger and Frustration

Savasana will help you relax by stabilizing your heart rate and blood  pressure, which are side effects of anger. It also activates the  parasympathetic nervous system that is responsible for the “rest and  digest” mode after an emotional or traumatic episode.


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While this pose comes under the category of the advanced pose, the  inversion helps in increased circulation to the head. It is a great pose  for people who suffer from frequent episodes of anger, irritability, or  any other emotional or hostile outburst.

Supported Shoulder Stand

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Child's Pose: Increases blood circulation to the brain by bringing the heart lower than the head, while releasing tension and stress in the hips, hamstrings, spine, and back muscles. Grounding and activating the parasympathetic nervous system, it aids in anger control and relaxation.

Child Pose

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Cooling Breath: A calming technique to address anger by cooling the mind and enhancing focus. Roll your tongue inwards or pucker your lips, inhale through the mouth, and exhale through the nose for a soothing effect.

Cooling Breath

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Sitkari Pranayama helps control anger by calming the nervous system through inhaling cool air with a hissing sound, activating the parasympathetic system for relaxation and emotional balance.

Sitkari Pranayama

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The hand gesture is similar to when you make a fist to punch something  out of frustration, anger, stress, irritation, aggression, or when some  negative emotion has overpowered your judgment.

Mushti Mudra

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This mudra helps with focus, stability, the flow of prana energy, and  increases mental strength. Hence, if you need the strength to control  your anger and increase the flow of healthy prana throughout your energy systems, this is the mudra for you.

Gyan Mudra

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