By Ashish

Easy Yoga Exercises for Eye Strain

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By elevating the legs, this pose encourages blood flow and relaxation, relieving stress and promoting a sense of calm conducive to better sleep.


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Focus shift viewing is a very good exercise for the muscles and ligaments that are responsible for focusing on the eye. This exercise can help us get rid of blurry visions. This exercise can also reduce the chances of nearsightedness and farsightedness.

Focus Shift Viewing

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This yoga exercise involves gently rolling your eyes clockwise and then counterclockwise to improve eye muscle flexibility, reduce eye strain, and stimulate blood flow to the eyes, promoting visual relaxation.

Eye Rolling

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Blinking exercises help moisturize the eyes and reduce dryness and strain, especially when spending long hours in front of screens; blinking frequently can refresh the eyes and prevent discomfort.

Eye Blinking 

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Also known as the "humming bee breath," this pranayama involves inhaling deeply and exhaling while making a humming sound. It calms the mind, reduces stress, and indirectly alleviates eye strain by relaxing the facial muscles.

Bhramari Pranayama

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While balancing on one leg with the opposite foot against the inner thigh, this yoga pose helps improve focus and concentration, which can indirectly reduce eye strain by training the mind to maintain a steady gaze.

Tree Yoga Pose

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A focused meditation practice where you concentrate your gaze on a single point, often a candle flame or an object, enhancing concentration, strengthening eye muscles, and providing relief from eye strain.


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