By Ashish
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By creating a gentle humming sound during exhalation, bee breathing calms the mind and reduces anxiety by stimulating the vagus nerve and inducing relaxation.
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This practice involves breathing through one nostril at a time, promoting balance in energy and calming the nervous system, which can be particularly helpful in reducing anxiety and stress.
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Kapalbhati involves forceful exhalations followed by passive inhalations, helping to clear the mind, increase lung capacity, and release tension, making it beneficial for managing anxiety.
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Sheetali Pranayama: Sheetali consists of inhaling through a rolled tongue, cooling the body and mind, and soothing the nervous system, making it beneficial for managing anxiety and stress.
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Sitkari involves inhaling through the teeth, creating a cooling effect and calming the nervous system, which can aid in reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of tranquility.
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Anulom vilom focuses on controlled, alternate nostril breathing to harmonize energy, enhance mental clarity, and reduce anxiety, providing a calming effect on the mind and body.
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