By Ashish

 Yoga Asanas to Perform During Humid Weather

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This dynamic sequence warms up the body, making it ideal for humid weather. It promotes flexibility, strengthens muscles, and enhances overall circulation, helping you adapt to the heat.

Surya Namaskar

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Trikonasana stretches the entire body, from legs to arms, and encourages deep breathing. It helps improve balance and coordination while allowing you to gently open up your body in humid conditions.

Triangle Pose

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Warrior II is a grounding pose that strengthens the legs and opens the chest and hips. In humid weather, it can help you feel more rooted and stable as you work through your practice.

Warrior 2 Pose

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Ustrasana is a heart-opening pose that counteracts the hunched posture many people adopt in humid conditions. It stretches the chest and front body while improving posture.

Camel Pose

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This pose engages multiple muscle groups, including the core and back, and can help you generate heat and energy when practicing in humidity.

Bow Pose

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Child's pose is a restful position that allows you to relax and cool down during humid yoga sessions. It's an excellent choice for regaining composure and finding inner calm.

Child Pose

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Shavasana is the ultimate relaxation pose, perfect for cooling down and rejuvenating your body and mind after a humid yoga session. It helps release tension, calm the nervous system, and enhance mental clarity.


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