By Ashish

Yoga for Mental Health

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Sitting in Easy Pose with a straight spine and relaxed shoulders allows the mind to settle. This pose helps reduce mental chatter, anxiety, and stress, promoting a sense of tranquility and inner peace.

Easy Pose

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Stretching the entire backside of the body, this pose calms the mind and relieves stress and mild depression. It also helps stimulate the abdominal organs, promoting better digestion and inner harmony.

Seated Forward Bend Pose

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Balancing the body in Crane Pose requires focused attention and concentration. Practicing this pose regularly can improve mental clarity and enhance your ability to concentrate on tasks and goals in daily life.

Crane Pose

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A calming and introspective pose, Child's Pose gently stretches the spine and hips while promoting deep relaxation, reducing stress, anxiety, and tension in the body and mind.

Child Pose

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This energizing pose helps increase blood flow to the brain, alleviating mild depression, and anxiety. It also stretches the whole body, releasing physical and mental tension.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

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The gentle compression of the neck and throat area in this pose can have a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to quiet the mind and alleviate mental chatter.

Supported Shoulder Stand

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The ultimate relaxation pose, Corpse Pose allows the body and mind to fully unwind and enter a state of deep rest. It reduces anxiety, tension, and fatigue, promoting mental clarity and a sense of peace.


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