By Ashish

Relaxing Yoga Poses for Anxiety Relief

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Cross your legs and sit upright, allowing your hands to rest on your knees. Easy Pose encourages mindfulness and peacefulness, making it an ideal starting point for meditation or breath awareness exercises.

Easy Pose

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Sit with your legs bent and the soles of your feet touching. Gently press your knees towards the floor. This hip-opening pose releases stored tension and helps you feel grounded and connected.

Butterfly Pose

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Start by kneeling on the floor, then sit back on your heels and extend your arms forward with your forehead resting on the ground. This gentle stretch helps release tension in the back, shoulders, and hips, allowing you to surrender to the present moment.

Child Pose

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Sit with your legs extended in front, then slowly fold forward, reaching for your toes or ankles. This calming stretch releases tension in the lower back and hamstrings, promoting a sense of release and relaxation.

Seated Forward Bend Pose

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Stand with your feet hip-width apart, then bend forward, reaching for your toes or the ground. This inversion calms the mind, relieves tension in the neck and shoulders, and promotes relaxation.

Standing Forward Bend Pose

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With your right thumb, close off your right nostril, inhale through your left nostril, then close it with your right ring finger and release the thumb to exhale through the right nostril. This pranayama balances the flow of energy in the body, promoting a sense of calm and balance, which can help alleviate anxiety.

Nadi Shodhan Pranayama

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Sitali Pranayama, involves inhaling air through a rolled tongue or pursed lips, which creates a cooling sensation as you breathe. This technique is effective for anxiety relief by lowering body temperature and calming the nervous system, promoting a sense of relaxation and tranquility.

Sitali Pranayama

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Lie flat on your back with arms relaxed at your sides, palms facing up. This pose is a profound relaxation technique, allowing you to fully let go of tension and anxiety while focusing on your breath and body sensations.


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