Archives: Stories
Bound Angle pose is beneficial for busy moms at home as it helps open the hips, release lower back tension, & promotes relaxation, offering a soothing and rejuvenating break …
Yoga poses are effective while traveling as they help stretch and release tension in the body, improve blood circulation, promote relaxation, and alleviate stiffness caused by prolonged sitting.
Yoga poses for Endometriosis provide relief by increasing blood flow to the pelvic region, stretching and relaxing the affected areas, and promoting overall relaxation and well-being to alleviate pain
The 5 Niyamas in yoga are ethical principles that guide practitioners in cultivating self-discipline, contentment, self-study, surrender to the divine, and purity to attain inner harmony.
Yoga poses are effective for thyroid management as they stimulate the thyroid gland, enhance blood circulation to the neck region, and promote overall hormonal balance through the activation.
Yoga poses are beneficial for tennis elbow as they can help strengthen the muscles surrounding the elbow, improve flexibility, promote proper alignment, and reduce inflammation, providing relief.