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Iyengar Yoga Poses Practice at Home

In Iyengar yoga, Warrior 2 Pose (Virabhadrasana II) is commonly practiced at home, emphasizing proper alignment, stability, and strength, as it opens the hips, stretches the legs, and promotes a sense of groundedness and focus.

Warrior 2 Pose

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In Iyengar yoga, Trikonasana Pose is often practiced at home, focusing on precise alignment and extension, as it stretches the hamstrings, opens the chest, and promotes stability and balance, while providing a grounding and energizing effect.

 Triangle Pose

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In Iyengar yoga Half Moon Pose is commonly practiced at home, emphasizing balance, strength, and expansion, as it stretches the entire body, opens the hips, and promotes stability and focus, while providing a sense of lightness and vitality.

Half Moon Pose

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In Iyengar yoga Standing Forward Bend pose is often practiced at home, focusing on grounding, lengthening, and releasing tension, as it stretches the hamstrings, elongates the spine, and promotes relaxation and introspection, providing a sense of calm and rejuvenation.

Forward Bend Pose

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Downward-Facing Dog Pose  is commonly practiced at home, emphasizing full-body engagement and lengthening, as it strengthens the arms, shoulders, and legs, elongates the spine, and promotes an overall sense of stability and rejuvenation, while providing a grounding and energizing effect.

Downward-Facing Dog Pose

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Wide-Legged Forward Bend is often practiced at home, focusing on grounding, stretching, and releasing tension, as it opens the hips, stretches the hamstrings, and promotes a sense of stability and introspection, while providing a calming and invigorating effect.

Wide-Legged Forward Bend

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Sirsasana is sometimes practiced at home with proper guidance and support, emphasizing strength, balance, and mental focus, as it improves blood circulation to the brain, strengthens the upper body and core, and promotes a sense of stability, clarity, and invigoration.


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Corpse Pose is often practiced at home as a deep relaxation and integration pose, promoting total surrender, rest, and rejuvenation, allowing the body and mind to fully absorb the benefits of the practice and cultivate a sense of inner peace and tranquility.


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8 Ways to Use Yoga Chair in Iyengar Yoga