By Ashish

Best Yoga Poses to Strengthen the Forearms

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Dolphin pose is a forearm-based inversion that strengthens the entire arm, including the forearms. It also improves shoulder stability and is a great preparatory pose for more advanced inversions like the headstand

Dolphin Yoga Pose

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This pose is a variation of the traditional plank that specifically targets the forearms. It helps build core strength, tones the arms, and improves overall stability. Hold this pose for as long as you can to progressively enhance forearm strength.

Forearm Plank Pose

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Crow pose is an arm balance that requires significant forearm strength to lift the body off the ground. It also improves concentration and balance. Start with short holds and gradually increase the duration as your strength improves.

Crow Pose

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While side plank primarily targets the obliques, it also engages the forearm muscles for support. Regular practice can lead to increased forearm strength and better overall upper body stability.

Side Plank Pose

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Wild Thing is a heart-opening pose that relies on forearm strength for support. It's a playful yet challenging posture that enhances arm stability while improving flexibility in the spine and chest.

Wild Thing

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This backbend yoga pose not only stretches the front of the body but also strengthens the arms, including the forearms. It's commonly used in vinyasa sequences to build upper body strength.

Upward Facing Dog Pose

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Lizard pose is a deep hip opener that also engages the forearms when practiced with proper alignment. It's an excellent choice for combining hip flexibility with forearm strength.

Lizard Pose

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Scale pose is an arm balance that heavily engages the forearms. It helps build strength in the wrists and forearms while also toning the abdominal muscles.

Scale Pose

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