By Ashish

Best Yoga Poses for Stimulate Vagus Nerve

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Kneel and sit back on your heels, reaching your arms forward and resting your forehead on the ground. This calming pose encourages deep breathing and relaxation, which can stimulate the vagus nerve and reduce stress

Child Pose

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Lie on your stomach, supporting yourself on your forearms while lifting your chest. Sphinx Pose can stimulate the vagus nerve by opening the chest and promoting relaxation and emotional balance

Sphinx Pose

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Start in a tabletop position and walk your hands forward while lowering your chest toward the ground. This pose stretches the spine and neck, stimulating the vagus nerve to reduce tension and anxiety

Extended Puppy Pose

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Lie on your back, lift your chest, and arch your back while supporting yourself on your elbows. Fish Pose can stimulate the vagus nerve by opening the throat and chest, enhancing relaxation and emotional well-being

Fish Pose

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Lie on your back, bend your knees, and lift your hips off the ground. This gentle backbend can stimulate the vagus nerve and improve overall well-being

Bridge Pose

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Stand with your legs apart and reach one hand down to your ankle while extending the other arm upwards. Triangle Pose can stimulate the vagus nerve through gentle stretching and deep breathing, promoting relaxation and reducing stress

Triangle Pose

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Lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides and legs extended. Savasana is a profound relaxation pose that promotes vagal tone, helping to calm the nervous system and reduce stress


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Incorporating these yoga poses into your practice can be an effective way to stimulate the vagus nerve, enhance relaxation, and improve overall well-being.

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