By Ashish

12 Basic Yoga Poses for Beginners

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This foundational pose focuses on alignment, teaching beginners how to stand with proper posture and find balance through the body.

Mountain Pose

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Encouraging balance and focus, Tree Pose is an entry point to more challenging balance poses, allowing beginners to connect with their breath and find stability.

Tree Pose

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This pose cultivates strength in the legs and core while stretching the chest and shoulders, helping beginners build stability and stamina.

Warrior 1 Pose

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Triangle Pose improves flexibility in the hips and hamstrings, enhancing overall posture and teaching beginners to open up through the sides of the body

Triangle Pose

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A fundamental pose that stretches the entire body, Downward-Facing Dog builds strength, flexibility, and introduces beginners to an inversion.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

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Building core strength and teaching beginners proper alignment, Plank Pose is a preparation for more advanced poses and full-body engagement.

Plank Pose

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This gentle backbend introduces beginners to spinal extension, improving posture and strengthening the back muscles.

Cobra Pose

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Stretching the hamstrings and lower back, this seated pose encourages relaxation and helps beginners release tension in the spine.

Seated Forward Bend Pose

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Introducing a gentle backbend, Upward-Facing Dog helps beginners improve spinal flexibility and strengthens the arms and wrists.

Upward Facing Dog Pose

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Beginners can engage their core and glutes while opening the chest and shoulders, fostering strength and flexibility in the spine.

Bridge Pose

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Offering relaxation and a gentle stretch for the back, Child's Pose is perfect for beginners to rest and connect with their breath.

Child Pose

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 A closing relaxation pose, Corpse Pose allows beginners to integrate the benefits of their practice, offering deep relaxation and a connection to their breath.


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