Tag: Yoga Mudras
Kartarimukha Mudra, or Kartari Mudra, is a simple yet powerful yoga hand gesture to help calm the mind and bring about a sense of balance. The name comes from …
Mukula Mudra, also referred to as the “Beak Hand Gesture,” is a therapeutic hand mudra commonly used in yoga and Ayurveda. This mudra is deeply connected to Ayurvedic principles, …
Shivalinga Mudra is a powerful hand gesture in yoga named after the sacred symbol of Lord Shiva. It helps to channelize inner energy and enhance concentration. This mudra hand …
Tse Mudra is powerful hand mudra with a world of benefits at your fingertips. It works as a shield against stress, anxiety and depression. Not only it’s good for …
Merudanda mudra is one effective hand gesture that represents the health of the spine. Practicing this mudra relieves your back pain and stress within a few minutes. To assume …
Ganesha, the elephant-headed God in Hinduism is worshiped at the beginning of an auspicious event & before worshiping any other God. There are several reasons behind this auspiciousness which …