Tag: sitting asana
Parivrtta Janu sirsasana is a twisted variation of Janu sirsasana where the spine is bent forward at the same time stretching and twisting sideways. This dynamic action of the …
Etymology Precautions Gorakshasana Steps Modifications Variations Gorakshasana Benefits Gorakshasana is a seated balancing posture. Its an intermediate level yogic posture generally practiced for meditation. It is also known by …
Meaning Precautions & Contraindications How to Do Garbhasana Benefits Garbhasana is one of the seated balancing postures where you balance the body in full lotus at your sit bones. …
Meaning Precautions Steps Variations Tolasana Benefits Tolasana is a lifted variation of the basic lotus pose. It belongs to the balancing posture category where the body weight is balanced …
Dandasana is the great core strengthening seated asana in which legs are stretched forward. Usually, it’s practiced as a warm-up yoga pose to leap into the deeper practices of …
Ashwa Sanchalasana is a low lunge Pose that prepares your body for deep backbends. Due to its vast range of movements to assist the body, it is often considered …