Tag: 8 classical Pranayama
Bhramari Pranayama is a breathing exercise of yoga in which you make a humming sound from the throat while exhalation. As pranayama benefits the body and mind, this calming …
Sitkari Pranayama is a cooling breathing technique well-known for its ability to lower body temperature and calm the mind. This pranayama is especially beneficial in hot climates and stressful …
Murcha Pranayama, often referred to as the “swooning breath,” is a unique and advanced breathing technique in yoga. Unlike more common pranayama practices, Murcha Pranayama induces a state of …
The way we treat our body and mind is the way they treat us. In order to get a pleasant response from our body, we first need to give …
In our daily lives, our bodies and minds often experience fatigue and the need for relaxation. Sitali (Sheetali)Pranayama offers a way to achieve this through yogic breathing, known for …
Surya Bhedana pranayama, commonly referred to as the Sun Piercing Breath, is more than just a method of breathing; it’s a gateway to enhanced vitality and mental clarity. What …