Search Results for: root chakra
In the history of mankind, there are few traditions that hold as much fascination and mystery as the ancient yogic concepts. These teachings, which originated in the Indian subcontinent, …
Cervical spondylosis is a chronic neck pain associated mainly with aging. However, changing modern lifestyles and sitting at a desk for hours contribute to the occurrence of cervical spondylosis …
Happy baby pose is all about finding a yogic way of drawing attention towards the hips joints. This posture is a beginner level great hip-opener and solution to all …
The three Tridoshas of Ayurveda—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—are energetic forces of nature that serve as useful guides for understanding both our body-mind and the outside world. Our physiology depends …
Whenever we are doing any work or even performing meditation, we tend to find that we easily get distracted. We often lose our focus which affects not only our …
Do you often find yourself easily distracted, unable to concentrate on a task for a long? If so, you may benefit from the practice of Bhoochari Mudra, also known …