Author: Ashish
Kaki mudra is an elixir in these unprecedented times of COVID-19 when everyone is looking for ways to enhance immunity. Kaki mudra aka raven beak gesture is one of …
The way we treat our body and mind is the way they treat us. In order to get a pleasant response from our body, we first need to give …
Dhyana isn’t an easy practice, so to assist the mind in this process, we practice Dhyana Mudra in yoga. Dhyana Mudra is a popular hand mudra practiced during meditation …
The Sacral Chakra, also known as the Svadhisthana or Sex Chakra, is the second of 7 major chakras and is located just 2-3 inches below the navel. Orange is …
Is it your stiffed back or lack of preparation that’s restricting you to step into the full wheel pose? Whatever the reason is, trying ardha chakrasana, an easier variant …
One of the most significant and valuable phases in a woman’s life is pregnancy, during which she inevitably experiences delight, joy, hope, and expectation. However, pregnancy can also be …