Sun Salutation C, aka sun c, is a warm sequence of beginner-level poses that involve stretching, forward bends, back-bends, and inversion. It improves the endurance and flexibility of the practitioner even off the mat.
While Sun Salutation A and B are the most common sequence to begin any Ashtanga series, Sun Salutation C comes with a more traditional touch to classical Surya namaskar. However, this sequence is not practiced in traditional Ashtanga yoga, it can be seen in Dharma Yoga and some other styles of yoga.
Synchronizing breaths with the movement brings a rhythm in sun c flow. Seek the guidance from this practice guide and reap maximum benefits from Sun salutation C.
Preparation for Sun Salutation C
- Spinal warm-up must be performed before stepping into sun salutation C. For this, the cat-cow stretch is the most effective pose.
- Sun salutation A and B are also a gentle warm-up for sun salutation C.
- Other simple stretches, viz wrist rotations, ankle rotations, pointing and flexing the toes, shoulder rolls, knee flexion, and extension, and hip circles, etc. are also performed.
- Thigh stretches and gentle hip rotations also prepare the body for sun salutation C.
How to Do Sun Salutation C
The following poses with a given set of instructions make up the sequence of Sun salutation C:
1. Samasthiti (Tadasana)

Breathing- Keep breathing normally| Drishti (Gaze) – The tip of the nose.
- Stand keeping the toes together and heels slightly apart.
- Place the palms joined in front of the chest.
- Relax your shoulders rolling them away from the ears.
- Lengthen your spine from your tailbone to the crown broadening the collar bones
2. Upward Salute (Urdhva Hastasana)

Breathing- Inhale| Drishti (Gaze) – The thumbs
- From mountain pose, sweep your arms upward joining the palms overhead.
- Draw the navel in towards the spine to engage the core muscles.
- Raising the torso attain a small standing backbend.
3. Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

Breathing- Exhale| Drishti (Gaze) – Tip of the name
- Lower the torso and arms folding forward at the hips.
- Place the palms beside the feet with slightly bent elbows.
- Bring your crown towards the floor and forehead to the shins.
- The abdomen lies over the thighs.
4. Half Forward Bend (Ardha Uttanasana)

Breathing – Inhale| Drishti (Gaze) – Third eye
- Raise your palms placing only the fingertips on the floor.
- Lift the head and neck so that the back becomes flat and parallel to the floor.
- Draw the shoulders back to raise the chest and neck lengthening the spine.
5. Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana), Right leg back

Breathing- Inhale| Drishti (Gaze) – In front
- Step your right leg back and curling the toes in lower the right knee to the floor.
- Bend the left knee stacked over the left heel and place the left foot forward between the arms.
- Let the hips sink forward and down.
- Relax your shoulders keeping them away from your ears.
6. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Breathing- Exhale| Drishti (Gaze) – Towards the shins
- Pressing the palms on the floor take your left foot back to place beside the right foot.
- Lower the heels to the floor and raise the hips to the sky.
- Draw the navel in to lengthen your spine firming the shoulder blades into your back.
- The arms are kept straight and the head is lowered between the arms.
7. Plank pose (Kumbhakasana)

Breathing- Inhale| Drishti (Gaze) – In front
- Inhale as you step both your foot back, coming into Plank Pose.
- Spread your fingers and align your wrists directly under your shoulders.
- Your feet should be hip-distance apart. Draw back through your heels and lengthen your spine.
8. Eight-limbed pose (Ashtanga Namaskara)

Breathing- Exhale | Drishti (Gaze) – Forward
- Slide the torso forward coming to your toes and bending the elbows to the sky.
- Lower the knees to the floor and slightly uplift the hips.
- Also, bring the chin to the floor.
- Finally, lower the chest to the floor.
9. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Breathing- Inhale| Drishti (Gaze) – Tip of the nose
- Roll on to the tops of your feet and pressing the palms to the floor.
- Pull the chest forward and indulge into a back bend.
- Relax the shoulders sending them back.
10. Downward facing dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Breathing- Exhale| Drishti (Gaze) – Towards the shins
- Tucking the toes up and pressing the palms to the floor, lift the hips to the sky.
- Try to place the heels on the floor.
- Lower the head between the arms to form an inverted V with the arms and legs.
11. Low-lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana), Right leg forward

Breathing- Inhale | Drishti (Gaze) – In front
- Step the right foot forward between the palms bending the right knee.
- Lift the left heel off the floor and curl the toes in.
- Lower the left knee to the floor.
- Assume a little backbend by opening the shoulders and pulling the chest forward.
12. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

Breathing- Exhale| Drishti (Gaze) – Tip of the nose
- Lower the torso and arms folding forward at the hips.
- Place the palms beside the feet with slightly bent elbows.
- Bring your crown towards the floor and forehead to the shins.
- The abdomen lies over the thighs.
13. Upward Salute (Urdhva Hastasana)

Breathing- Inhale| Drishti (Gaze) – Thumbs
- Lift the arms and torso from the standing forward bend.
- Join the palms overhead and stretch the neck muscles.
- Slightly bend the neck and upper back to assume the upward salute pose.
14. Samasthiti (Tadasana)

Breathing- Exhale | Drishti (Gaze) – The tip of the nose.
- Bring the palms joined in front of the chest.
- Stack the shoulders and hips over the heels.
- And return to initial position of Samasthiti
- Do not try this sequence with a bad back.
- Pregnant women must avoid sun salutation C.
- People with high blood pressure or heart ailments must skip this practice.
- Avoid the Sun salutation C practice if you have weak knees or arthritis.
- Any injury in wrists can also make this practice strenuous or might worsen the case.
Sun Salutation C Benefits
- Helps in weight loss – In one round of Sun salutation C, lunge pose’s repetition comes on both sides, left and right. When this sequence is done in fast flow, it helps burn off extra fat accumulated around the waist region. Moreover, it also reduces thigh fat which gives toned leg muscles.
- Build Stamina – Sun salutation C comprises holding body into pose Plank and Cobra in between the sequence. When done a few rounds of sun c flow, these poses start inducing muscular contraction, which letter builds strength in muscles.
- Full body detoxifies – Like any other warm-up exercise, the set of poses of in sun salutation c are intended to heat up the body internally and flush out toxins from the body.
- Improves posture and flexibility – While doing poses of sun c flow, the spine remains erect and align to the neatural axis without getting extra weight in a longitudinal direction. It corrects the overall posture and makes one flexible.
- Helps relax mind, and build mental focus – Practicing poses in the flow always brings the mind to a state of relaxation. Sun salutation is a perfect sequence to quickly bring the mind into the current moment which increases mental focus.
I miss one Down dog in the image. Only the second one is showing.
Or maybe the down dog at number 6 should not be there.
But for the rest very nice!