Category: Yoga Articles
Have you ever imagined how so-called subtle body looks like and why it’s different from the causal body? Well, the body, whether it’s subtle or gross is a manifestation …
Maharishi Patanjali defined a step-by-step guide of 8 limbs to achieve a state of samadhi, where one can feel the union of body, mind & soul in a single …
Do negative emotions pop up in your mind and make you feel sad, angry, egoistic, guilty & discouraged from time to time? If yes, this article can be an …
Ayurvedic philosophy provides an idea of the creation of the universe, from which the concept of Trigunas (Tri – 3 and Gunas – Qualities) of Nature is evolved out. …
When you first time heard about ‘YOGA,’ what image comes in your mind of it? You would have thought, Yoga is a set of physical exercises to get a …