Category: Yoga Articles
Meaning Steps Anatomy Precautions Agnisar Kriya Benefits Agnisara Kriya is a quintessential yogic practice involving pranayama and asana. It targets regulating and purifying the Manipura chakra by removing the …
Indigestion is a health issue that everyone experiences in the form of bloating symptoms, flatulence, heaviness, abdominal discomfort, and cramps regardless of their age group. The common causes of …
The true essence of Hatha Yoga lies within understanding the two main components; ‘Ha’ and ‘Tha’. According to yogic science, Hatha Yoga has been derived by combining two words …
Hatha Yoga Asanas How Many Asanas in Hatha Yoga 15 Asanas of Hatha Yoga Hatha yoga is called the ‘yoga of asanas’. It’s so because traditional hatha yoga texts …
Purpose Mechanism Effect ShankhaPrakshalana Asanas Procedure Contraindications Precautions Shankha Prakshalana Benefits In yoga, the shape of our digestive system is seen as a conch (Shankha) which has a long …
Whether I am On the mat or Off, every time I feel I’m too indulged or too distracted, I simply ask myself; Am I missing something this moment? This …