Category: Yoga Articles
Practice Pranayama Meditate regularly Restorative yoga Light exercising Nutritional diet Get into nature Quality sleep Positivity, love, and laughter Prana is the vital force present in all living beings. …
What is it? How to start Benefits Styles Gentle vs. traditional yoga FAQs Lowered stress, greater strength, flexibility, balance, weight reduction, improved sleep, and mindfulness are just a few …
Symbols have been used since generation as a form of communication and representation of emotions, ideas, feelings, concepts, and/or spiritual beliefs. The symbols can be spiritual, mystical, or cultural …
Shatkarma 6 kriyas in yoga Dhauti Basti Neti Nauli Trataka Kapalbhati Benefits Precautions Why to do? In HYP In Gheranda Samhita As a house stands firmly on its foundation, …
Many pieces of scientific research published in the past few years have proven the immense benefits of yoga on the mind & body. In this article, being a doctor …
What it is Benefits Scientific claims Practice & exercises Laughter & yoga Impact on breathing Theories Simulated laugh Laughter yoga is the practice to promote deliberate laughter which stimulated …